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If you pay with e-money you will be redirected to your file right after the payment is made. | ST6235BQ3 Datasheet | | Description: | 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER ( MCU ) FAMILY WITH OTP, ROM, FASTROM, EPROM, ADC, 16-BIT AUTO-RELOAD TIMER, EEPROM, SPI, UART AND 52 PINS | Manufacturer: | SGS-Thomson Microelectronics | Temp. range: | Min: - | Max: - | Package: | - | Pins: | Not available... | Link: ST6235BQ3.PDF (617Kb) |
ChipManuals.com is a leading provider of time critical component information needed by engineers and purchasers in the electronics industry. Our members can access comprehensive, weekly updated information on over 1 million electronic components from over 500 manufacturers.
Welcome to ChipManuals.com - the online source for datasheets for electronic components and semiconductors, especially for obsolete parts. | ST6235BQ3.PDF
Datasheet |
RELEVANT RESULTS FOR ST6235BQ3 DATASHEET# | Part: | Description: | Manuf. | Package | Pins | T°min | T°max | PDF size | 1. | PST623 | System Reset | Mitsumi Electronics, Corp. | MITSUMI | - | - | - | 100 Kb | 2. | ST6230 | 8/16-Bit Micros | STMicroelectronics | STMICROELECTRONICS | - | - | - | 226 Kb | 3. | FST6230 | Schottky MiniMod | Microsemi Corporation | MICROSEMI | - | - | - | 139 Kb | 4. | FST6230 | Schottky MiniMod | Microsemi Corporation | MICROSEMI | - | - | - | 113 Kb | 5. | ST6230B | 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER ( MCU ) WITH OTP, ROM, FASTROM, A/D CONVERTER, 16-BIT AUTO-RELOAD TIMER, EEPROM, SPI, UART AND 28 PINS | STMicroelectronics | STMICROELECTRONICS | - | - | - | 652 Kb | 6. | ST6230BB1 | 8-BIT OTP/EPROM MCUs WITH A/D CONVERTER, 16-BIT AUTO-RELOAD TIMER, EEPROM, SPI AND UART | STMicroelectronics | STMICROELECTRONICS | - | - | - | 652 Kb | 7. | ST6230BB1/XXX | 8-BIT OTP/EPROM MCUs WITH A/D CONVERTER, 16-BIT AUTO-RELOAD TIMER, EEPROM, SPI AND UART | STMicroelectronics | STMICROELECTRONICS | - | - | - | 924 Kb | 8. | ST6230BB3 | 8-BIT OTP/EPROM MCUs WITH A/D CONVERTER, 16-BIT AUTO-RELOAD TIMER, EEPROM, SPI AND UART | STMicroelectronics | STMICROELECTRONICS | - | - | - | 652 Kb | 9. | ST6230BB3/XXX | 8-BIT OTP/EPROM MCUs WITH A/D CONVERTER, 16-BIT AUTO-RELOAD TIMER, EEPROM, SPI AND UART | STMicroelectronics | STMICROELECTRONICS | - | - | - | 924 Kb | 10. | ST6230BB6 | 8-BIT OTP/EPROM MCUs WITH A/D CONVERTER, 16-BIT AUTO-RELOAD TIMER, EEPROM, SPI AND UART | STMicroelectronics | STMICROELECTRONICS | - | - | - | 652 Kb | 11. | ST6230BB6/XXX | 8-BIT OTP/EPROM MCUs WITH A/D CONVERTER, 16-BIT AUTO-RELOAD TIMER, EEPROM, SPI AND UART | STMicroelectronics | STMICROELECTRONICS | - | - | - | 924 Kb | 12. | ST6230BM1 | 8-BIT OTP/EPROM MCUs WITH A/D CONVERTER, 16-BIT AUTO-RELOAD TIMER, EEPROM, SPI AND UART | STMicroelectronics | STMICROELECTRONICS | - | - | - | 652 Kb | 13. | ST6230BM1/XXX | 8-BIT OTP/EPROM MCUs WITH A/D CONVERTER, 16-BIT AUTO-RELOAD TIMER, EEPROM, SPI AND UART | STMicroelectronics | STMICROELECTRONICS | - | - | - | 924 Kb | 14. | ST6230BM3 | 8-BIT OTP/EPROM MCUs WITH A/D CONVERTER, 16-BIT AUTO-RELOAD TIMER, EEPROM, SPI AND UART | STMicroelectronics | STMICROELECTRONICS | - | - | - | 652 Kb | 15. | ST6230BM3/XXX | 8-BIT OTP/EPROM MCUs WITH A/D CONVERTER, 16-BIT AUTO-RELOAD TIMER, EEPROM, SPI AND UART | STMicroelectronics | STMICROELECTRONICS | - | - | - | 924 Kb | 16. | ST6230BM6 | 8-BIT OTP/EPROM MCUs WITH A/D CONVERTER, 16-BIT AUTO-RELOAD TIMER, EEPROM, SPI AND UART | STMicroelectronics | STMICROELECTRONICS | - | - | - | 652 Kb | 17. | ST6230BM6/XXX | 8-BIT OTP/EPROM MCUs WITH A/D CONVERTER, 16-BIT AUTO-RELOAD TIMER, EEPROM, SPI AND UART | STMicroelectronics | STMICROELECTRONICS | - | - | - | 924 Kb | 18. | FST6230L | SCHOTTKY DIODES MODULE TYPE 60A | TRANSYS Electronics Limited | TEL | - | - | - | 109 Kb | 19. | FST6230SL | SCHOTTKY DIODES MODULE TYPE 60A | TRANSYS Electronics Limited | TEL | - | - | - | 143 Kb | 20. | FST6230_10 | Schottky MiniMod | Microsemi Corporation | MICROSEMI | - | - | - | 113 Kb |