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MANUFACTURERS: SGS-Thomson Microelectronics
SGS-Thomson Microelectronics

SGS-Thomson Microelectronics logo

1000 East Bell Road,
Phoenix, AZ 85022, US
tel: 1-602-485-6201
fax: 1-602-485-6330

    SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics is a global independent semiconductor company that designs, develops, manufactures and markets a broad range of semiconductor integrated circuits (ICs) and discrete devices used in a wide variety of microelectronic applications, including telecommunications systems, computer systems, consumer products, automotive products and industrial automation and control systems.

    On the basis of the most recently available industry data, SGS-THOMSON is the world's leading supplier of analog ICs, mixed- signal ICs, Smartpower ICs, EPROM's, EEPROM and motion picture experts group ("MPEG") decoder ICs.

    The SGS-THOMSON group was formed in June 1987 as a result of the combination of Thomson Semiconducteurs of France, and SGS Microelettronica of Italy. Since its formation, the Company has significantly broadened and upgraded its range of products and technologies and has strengthened its manufacturing and distribution capabilities in Europe, North America, and the Asia Pacific region. This capacity expansion process is currently still ongoing with upgrading of existing facilities and the announcement of the construction of two more 8" submicron fabs ones to be built in Italy and one in Singapore. These will join the two existing ones in Crolles (France) and Phoenix (Arizona), plus one fab now under construcion in Rousset (France) and one nearing completion in Catania (Italy).

    The group totals 26,000 employees, 9 advanced research and development units, 31 design and application centers, 17 main manufacturing sites and 60 sales offices in 24 countries. Corporate Headquarters are located in Saint Genis (France), close to Geneva (Switzerland), where the European Headquarters and Service Center are also based. The Companys U. S. Headquarters are in Carrollton (Dallas, Texas); those f or Asia/Pacific are based in Singapore, and Japanese operations are headquartered in Tokyo.

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