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Most of the data sheets below are in the "pdf" format so it would be adviseable to use Adobe Acrobat Reader.
# | Part: | Description: | Manuf. | Package | Pins | T°min | T°max | PDF size |
1. | 4211-21 | Axial Leaded Filter Bead | API Delevan | API | - | - | - | 2.51 Mb |
2. | CMD11-21 | 1CMD11-21 SMT LEDs 1206 Package Size | Chicago Miniature Lamp,inc | CML | - | - | - | 65 Kb |
3. | G8211-21 | InGaAs PIN photodiode with preamp | Hamamatsu Corporation | HAMAMATSU | - | - | - | 98 Kb |
4. | CTP4411-21 | Toroidal Inductors Medium Current | Filtran LTD | FILTRAN | - | - | - | 53 Kb |
5. | 514-111-21 | PROFESSIONAL LED INDICATORS ˆ12.7mm Mounting | Marl International Limited | MARL | - | - | - | 305 Kb |
6. | 514-111-21 | ˆ12.7mm mounting Robust bright nickel plated brass housing | Marl International Limited | MARL | - | - | - | 377 Kb |
7. | 315-511-21 | PANEL INDICATOR LEDs - ˆ6.35mm Mounting | Marl International Limited | MARL | - | - | - | 369 Kb |
8. | 319-511-21 | PANEL INDICATOR LEDs - ˆ6.35mm Mounting | Marl International Limited | MARL | - | - | - | 374 Kb |
9. | 651-111-21 | ˆ12.7mm mounting Black anodised aluminium housing | Marl International Limited | MARL | - | - | - | 436 Kb |
10. | 651-111-21 | PROFESSIONAL LED INDICATORS ˆ12.7mm Mounting | Marl International Limited | MARL | - | - | - | 307 Kb |
11. | 678-111-21 | PROFESSIONAL LED INDICATORS ˆ16mm Mounting | Marl International Limited | MARL | - | - | - | 315 Kb |
12. | 678-111-21 | ˆ16.0mm mounting Black anodised aluminium housing | Marl International Limited | MARL | - | - | - | 409 Kb |
13. | MIV41011-21 | MIV41001 ISIS Frequency Multiplier | Microsemi Corporation | MICROSEMI | - | - | - | 126 Kb |
14. | M85049-11-21 | Environmental Backshells | Glenair, Inc. | GLENAIR | - | - | - | 81 Kb |
15. | TM060-180-11-21 | 6-18 GHz 21 dBm Gain Module | Transcom, Inc. | TRANSCOM | - | - | - | 20 Kb |
16. | 11-21-0008 | RIBBON CABEL TERMINATION MACHINE | Molex Electronics Ltd. | MOLEX | - | - | - | 1.25 Mb |
17. | SD057-11-21-011 | Red Enhanced Silicon Photodiode | Advanced Photonix, Inc. | ADVANCEDPHOTONIX | - | - | - | 139 Kb |
18. | 11-21-0289 | RIBBON CABEL TERMINATION MACHINE | Molex Electronics Ltd. | MOLEX | - | - | - | 1.25 Mb |
19. | 11-21-0679 | AM-4700-24 (11-21-0679) PRESS - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS | Molex Electronics Ltd. | MOLEX | - | - | - | 394 Kb |
20. | 0011-21-0679 | AM-4700-24 (11-21-0679) PRESS - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS | Molex Electronics Ltd. | MOLEX | - | - | - | 394 Kb |