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RELEVANT RESULTS FOR CR2202AB DATASHEET# | Part: | Description: | Manuf. | Package | Pins | T°min | T°max | PDF size | 1. | CR220 | Current Regulator Diodes | Vishay Siliconix | VISHAY | - | - | - | 57 Kb | 2. | CR220 | Current Regulator Diodes | Vishay Siliconix | VISHAY | - | - | - | 57 Kb | 3. | DFBM-CR220 | Bluetooth Module Class 2 Wireless communication module compliant with Bluetooth Specification V1.2 | Delta Electronics, Inc. | DELTA | - | - | - | 60 Kb | 4. | MCR220-5 | CASE TO-220AB | New Jersey Semi-Conductor Products, Inc. | NJSEMI | - | - | - | 151 Kb | 5. | MCR220-7 | CASE TO-220AB | New Jersey Semi-Conductor Products, Inc. | NJSEMI | - | - | - | 151 Kb | 6. | MCR220-9 | CASE TO-220AB | New Jersey Semi-Conductor Products, Inc. | NJSEMI | - | - | - | 151 Kb | 7. | CR2202AA | Bi-directional Glass passivated junction | Littelfuse | LITTELFUSE | - | - | - | 80 Kb | 8. | CR2202AA | Thyristors (SiBOD Breakover Devices) | List of Unclassifed Manufacturers | ETC | - | - | - | 294 Kb | 9. | CR2202AB | Bi-directional Glass passivated junction | Littelfuse | LITTELFUSE | - | - | - | 80 Kb | 10. | CR2202AB | Thyristors (SiBOD Breakover Devices) | List of Unclassifed Manufacturers | ETC | - | - | - | 294 Kb | 11. | CR2202AC | Bi-directional Glass passivated junction | Littelfuse | LITTELFUSE | - | - | - | 80 Kb | 12. | CR2202AC | Thyristors (SiBOD Breakover Devices) | List of Unclassifed Manufacturers | ETC | - | - | - | 294 Kb |