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Most of the data sheets below are in the "pdf" format so it would be adviseable to use Adobe Acrobat Reader.
# | Part: | Description: | Manuf. | Package | Pins | T°min | T°max | PDF size |
1. | 2114 | T-1 Subminiature Lamps | Gilway Technical Lamp | GILWAY | - | - | - | 31 Kb |
2. | 2114 | T-1 Subminiature Lamps | Gilway Technical Lamp | GILWAY | - | - | - | 31 Kb |
3. | B2114 | BROADBAND ACCESS: xDSL, HPN, CMCs | Pulse A Technitrol Company | PULSE | - | - | - | 115 Kb |
4. | T2114 | TRIANGULAR TYPE | List of Unclassifed Manufacturers | ETC | - | - | - | 424 Kb |
5. | 1N2114 | Rectifiers | New Jersey Semi-Conductor Products, Inc. | NJSEMI | - | - | - | 35 Kb |
6. | 382114 | Multimodul-Steckverbinder, Raster 2,5 mm | Lumberg | LUMBERG | - | - | - | 105 Kb |
7. | BQ2114 | NiCd or NiMH Gas Gauge Module with Charge-Control Output | Texas Instruments | TI | - | - | - | 658 Kb |
8. | B82114 | VHF chokes for power line applications Rated voltage 500 V dc/ac Rated current max. 1 A | EPCOS | EPCOS | - | - | - | 59 Kb |
9. | B82114 | Inductors | EPCOS | EPCOS | - | - | - | 97 Kb |
10. | 032114 | Rundsteckverbinder mit Schraubverschluss nach IEC 60130-9, IP 68 | Lumberg | LUMBERG | - | - | - | 518 Kb |
11. | BU2114 | 8-bit shift register and latch driver | Rohm | ROHM | - | - | - | 69 Kb |
12. | DS2114 | SCSI Terminator | Dallas Semiconductor | DALLAS | - | - | - | 79 Kb |
13. | 352114 | RAST-2.5-Steckverbinder, Raster 2,5/5,0 mm | Lumberg | LUMBERG | - | - | - | 99 Kb |
14. | FH2114 | RF MOSFET Power Transistor, 75W, 24V 30-90 MHz | Tyco Electronics | TYCO | - | - | - | 72 Kb |
15. | FH2114 | RF Power MOSFET Transistor 75W, 30-90MHz, 24V | M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc. | MACOM | - | - | - | 76 Kb |
17. | RN2114 | Switching, Inverter Circuit, Interface Circuit And Driver Circuit Applications | Toshiba Semiconductor | TOSHIBA | - | - | - | 270 Kb |
18. | RF2114 | MEDIUM POWER LINEAR AMPLIFIER | RF Micro Devices | RFMD | - | - | - | 77 Kb |
19. | UN2114 | Silicon PNP epitaxial planer transistor | Panasonic Semiconductor | PANASONIC | - | - | - | 231 Kb |
20. | NX2114 | 300kHz & 600kHz SYNCHRONOUS PWM CONTROLLER | Microsemi Corporation | MICROSEMI | - | - | - | 768 Kb |
21. | SM2114 | 5Voltage Regula tor | SeCoS Halbleitertechnologie GmbH | SECOS | - | - | - | 661 Kb |