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Most of the data sheets below are in the "pdf" format so it would be adviseable to use Adobe Acrobat Reader.
# | Part: | Description: | Manuf. | Package | Pins | T°min | T°max | PDF size |
1. | BF599 | NPN Silicon RF Transistor (Common emitter IF/RF amplifier Low feedback capacitance due to shield diffusion) | Siemens Semiconductor Group | SIEMENS | - | - | - | 65 Kb |
2. | XPEBWT-L1-0000-00BF5 | Cree^ XLamp^ XP Family LEDs | Cree, Inc | CREE | - | - | - | 2.00 Mb |
3. | XPEWHT-L1-0000-00BF5 | Cree^ XLamp^ XP Family LEDs | Cree, Inc | CREE | - | - | - | 2.00 Mb |
4. | SM-BF50 | 50OHM DC to 2 GHz | Mini-Circuits | MINI | - | - | - | 110 Kb |
5. | SF-BF50 | 50OHM DC to 2 GHz | Mini-Circuits | MINI | - | - | - | 110 Kb |
6. | SF-BF50 | SMA-F to BNC-F | Mini-Circuits | MINI | - | - | - | 161 Kb |
7. | TCR2BF50 | 200 mA CMOS Low Drop-Out Regulator with Auto-discharge | Toshiba Semiconductor | TOSHIBA | - | - | - | 283 Kb |
8. | KIA1117BS/BF50 | BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT | KEC(Korea Electronics) | KEC | - | - | - | 98 Kb |
9. | XBDAWT-00-0000-00000BF50 | XLAMP XB-D LED BINNING & LABELING | Cree, Inc | CREE | - | - | - | 1.12 Mb |
10. | SM-BF50+ | Coaxial Adapter, SMA-M to BNC-F | Mini-Circuits | MINI | - | - | - | 99 Kb |
11. | MB9BF500 | 32-bit MCUs with ARM Cortex-M3 Core | Fujitsu Component Limited. | FUJITSU | - | - | - | 543 Kb |
12. | ZTBF500E | CERAMIC RESONATOR | ECS, Inc. | ECS | - | - | - | 389 Kb |
13. | CHF3020CBF500L | Power RF Terminations / Resistors | Bourns Electronic Solutions | BOURNS | - | - | - | 116 Kb |
14. | CHF5225CBF500L | 60 W Power RF Flanged Chip Termination | Bourns Electronic Solutions | BOURNS | - | - | - | 174 Kb |
15. | CHF9838CBF500L | 250 W Power RF Flanged Chip Termination | Bourns Electronic Solutions | BOURNS | - | - | - | 165 Kb |
16. | CHF12545CBF500L | 500 W Power RF Flanged Chip Termination | Bourns Electronic Solutions | BOURNS | - | - | - | 174 Kb |
17. | CHF190104CBF500L | 800 W Power RF Flanged Chip Termination/Resistor | Bourns Electronic Solutions | BOURNS | - | - | - | 199 Kb |
18. | CHF190104CBF500L | 800 W Power RF Flanged Chip Termination/Resistor | Bourns Electronic Solutions | BOURNS | - | - | - | 176 Kb |
19. | CHF190104KBF500L | 1 kW Stripline Termination | Bourns Electronic Solutions | BOURNS | - | - | - | 193 Kb |
20. | TL6100BF500QP | TACT SWITCHES - SEALED THRU-HOLE | E-SWITCH | ESWITCH | - | - | - | 272 Kb |
21. | TL6105BF500QP | TACT SWITCHES - SEALED THRU-HOLE | E-SWITCH | ESWITCH | - | - | - | 272 Kb |