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Most of the data sheets below are in the "pdf" format so it would be adviseable to use Adobe Acrobat Reader.
# | Part: | Description: | Manuf. | Package | Pins | T°min | T°max | PDF size |
1. | BA8206 | Tone ringer IC for telephone set | Rohm | ROHM | - | - | - | 94 Kb |
2. | BY8206 | Ultra fast high-voltage soft-recovery controlled avalanche rectifiers | NXP Semiconductors | PHILIPS | - | - | - | 100 Kb |
3. | AD8206 | Single-Supply 42 V System Difference Amplifier | Analog Devices | AD | - | - | - | 256 Kb |
4. | AD8206 | Precision, Dual-Channel Difference Amplifier | Analog Devices | AD | - | - | - | 150 Kb |
5. | AD8206 | Dual-Channel Audio Difference Amplifier | Analog Devices | AD | - | - | - | 144 Kb |
6. | AD8206 | Single-Supply, 42 V System Difference Amplifier | Analog Devices | AD | - | - | - | 261 Kb |
7. | AD8206 | Very Low Distortion, Precision Difference Amplifier | Aavid Thermalloy, LLC | AAVID | - | - | - | 349 Kb |
8. | PL8206 | MILITARY/AEROSPACE PRODUCTS | Pulse A Technitrol Company | PULSE | - | - | - | 371 Kb |
9. | SC8206 | REMOTE FAN CONTROL IC | Silan Microelectronics Joint-stock | SILAN | - | - | - | 342 Kb |
10. | AD8206 | G = 0.2, Level Translation, 16-Bit ADC Driver | Aavid Thermalloy, LLC | AAVID | - | - | - | 382 Kb |
11. | 1108206 | tyco electronics contents | Tyco Electronics | TYCO | - | - | - | 5.39 Mb |
12. | AOZ8206 | Six-line TVS Diode Array | Alpha & Omega Semiconductors | AOSMD | - | - | - | 332 Kb |
13. | CEM8206 | Dual N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor | Chino-Excel Technology | CET | - | - | - | 63 Kb |
14. | MOC8206 | 6-Pin DIP Optoisolators High Voltage Transistor Output(400 Volts) | Motorola, Inc | MOTOROLA | - | - | - | 302 Kb |
15. | PM-8206 | T1/CEPT QUAD PORT SMD ISOLATION TRANSFORMERS | Premier Magnetics, Inc. | PMI | - | - | - | 125 Kb |
16. | TPC8206 | TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (U-MOSII) | Toshiba Semiconductor | TOSHIBA | - | - | - | 225 Kb |
17. | STG8206 | Dual N-Channel E nhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor | SamHop Microelectronics Corp. | SAMHOP | - | - | - | 610 Kb |
18. | STV8206 | Multistandard TV Audio Processor and Digital Sound Demodulator | STMicroelectronics | STMICROELECTRONICS | - | - | - | 771 Kb |
19. | MJE18206 | POWER TRANSISTORS | ON Semiconductor | ONSEMI | - | - | - | 515 Kb |
20. | MJF18206 | POWER TRANSISTORS 8 AMPERES 1200 VOLTS 40 and 100 WATTS | Motorola, Inc | MOTOROLA | - | - | - | 515 Kb |