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Most of the data sheets below are in the "pdf" format so it would be adviseable to use Adobe Acrobat Reader.
# | Part: | Description: | Manuf. | Package | Pins | T°min | T°max | PDF size |
1. | C0630A | COMPUTER CABLE | General Cable Technologies Corporation | GENERAL | - | - | - | 78 Kb |
2. | AD630A | Balanced Modulator/Demodulator | Analog Devices | AD | - | - | - | 293 Kb |
3. | SC630A | 1MHz Fixed 3.3V Output Charge Pump Regulator | Semtech Corporation | SEMTECH | - | - | - | 365 Kb |
4. | 1N5630A | Silicon Avalanche Diodes - 1500 Watt Metal Axial Leaded Transient Voltage Suppressors | Littelfuse | LITTELFUSE | - | - | - | 202 Kb |
5. | 1N5630A | TRANSIENT ABSORPTION ZENER | Microsemi Corporation | MICROSEMI | - | - | - | 117 Kb |
6. | 1N5630A | 1500 WATT UNIDIRECTIONAL TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSOR | Microsemi Corporation | MICROSEMI | - | - | - | 194 Kb |
7. | 1N5630A | 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 | New Jersey Semi-Conductor Products, Inc. | NJSEMI | - | - | - | 323 Kb |
8. | AA8630A | VIDEO AMPLIFIER | Agamem Microelectronic Inc. | AGAMEM | - | - | - | 156 Kb |
9. | FPN630A | PNP Low Saturation Transistor | Fairchild Semiconductor | FAIRCHILD | - | - | - | 39 Kb |
10. | IRF630A | isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor | Inchange Semiconductor Company Limited | ISC | - | - | - | 101 Kb |
11. | IRL630A | Advanced Power MOSFET | Fairchild Semiconductor | FAIRCHILD | - | - | - | 228 Kb |
12. | SS6630A | Step-Up DC/DC Controller | Silicon Standard Corp. | SSC | - | - | - | 606 Kb |
13. | TA0630A | SAW Filter 1965 MHz SMD 3.0X3.0 mm | Tai-Saw Technology Co., Ltd | TAISAW | - | - | - | 330 Kb |
14. | S-4630A | 64-bit THERMAL HEAD DRIVER | Seiko Instruments Inc | SII | - | - | - | 205 Kb |
15. | IRF630A | Advanced Power MOSFET | Fairchild Semiconductor | FAIRCHILD | - | - | - | 260 Kb |
16. | SR1630A | Schottky barrier rectifier. Negative CT. Maximum recurrent peak reverse voltage 30 V. Maximum average forward rectified current 16 A. | Bytes | BYTES | - | - | - | 164 Kb |
17. | SR1630A | Schottky barrier rectifier. Common anode. Max repetitive peak reverse voltage 30 V. Max average forward rectified current 16.0 A. | Shanghai Lunsure Electronic Tech | CHENYI | - | - | - | 146 Kb |
18. | AIC1630A | HIGH-EFFICIENCY STEP-UP DC/DC CONVERTER CONTROLLER | Analog Intergrations Corporation | AIC | - | - | - | 185 Kb |
19. | FDS6630A | N-Channel Logic Level PowerTrenchTM MOSFET | Fairchild Semiconductor | FAIRCHILD | - | - | - | 198 Kb |
20. | MAN3630A | 0.300-INCH SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAYS | QT Optoelectronics | QT | - | - | - | 706 Kb |