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3R33S datasheet
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Found: 0 - 20# | Part: | Description: | Manuf. | Package | Pins | T°min | T°max | PDF size | 1. | CC75CK3R33 | CERAMIC MOLDED AXIAL & RADIAL | Kemet Corporation | KEMET | - | - | - | 166 Kb | 2. | PL763H-WC3R33 | HIGH POWER LED | P-tec Corporation | PTEC | - | - | - | 23 Kb | 3. | P46-3R33-003 | LED Lamp Modules for Programmable Visibility (PV) Signals | Dialight Corporation | DIALIGHT | - | - | - | 56 Kb | 4. | P46-3R33-003 | LED Signal Modules and Pedestrian Signals | Dialight Corporation | DIALIGHT | - | - | - | 335 Kb | 5. | E48SH3R330 | Delphi Series E48SH, 120W Eighth Brick Family DC/DC Power Modules: 48V in, 3.3V/30A out | Delta Electronics, Inc. | DELTA | - | - | - | 637 Kb | 6. | DIM3R3300SFA | Delphi Series DIM, 300W Dual Input Power Processing DC/DC Power Modules | Delta Electronics, Inc. | DELTA | - | - | - | 379 Kb | 7. | DIM3R3300SFB | Delphi Series DIM, 300W Dual Input Power Processing DC/DC Power Modules | Delta Electronics, Inc. | DELTA | - | - | - | 379 Kb | 8. | E48SH3R330NRFA | Delphi Series E48SH, 120W Eighth Brick Family DC/DC Power Modules: 48V in, 1.2V/50A out | Delta Electronics, Inc. | DELTA | - | - | - | 899 Kb | 9. | E48SH3R330NRFA | Delphi Series E48SH, 120W Eighth Brick Family DC/DC Power Modules: 48V in, 1.5V/40A out | Delta Electronics, Inc. | DELTA | - | - | - | 651 Kb | 10. | E48SH3R330NRFA | Delphi Series E48SH, 120W Eighth Brick Family DC/DC Power Modules: 48V in, 1.8V/40A out | Delta Electronics, Inc. | DELTA | - | - | - | 679 Kb | 11. | E48SH3R330NRFA | Delphi Series E48SH, 120W Eighth Brick Family DC/DC Power Modules: 48V in, 2.5V/35A out | Delta Electronics, Inc. | DELTA | - | - | - | 674 Kb | 12. | E48SH3R330NRFA | Delphi Series E48SH, 120W Eighth Brick Family DC/DC Power Modules: 48V in, 3.3V/30A out | Delta Electronics, Inc. | DELTA | - | - | - | 637 Kb | 13. | E48SH3R330NRFA | Delphi Series E48SH, 120W Eighth Brick Family DC/DC Power Modules: 48V in, 5V/20A out | Delta Electronics, Inc. | DELTA | - | - | - | 686 Kb | 14. | E48SH3R330NRFA | Delphi Series E48SH, 120W Eighth Brick Family DC/DC Power Modules: 48V in, 12V/10A out | Delta Electronics, Inc. | DELTA | - | - | - | 668 Kb | 15. | E48SH3R330NRFA | Delphi Series E48SH, 120W Eighth Brick Family DC/DC Power Modules | Future Technology Devices International Ltd. | FTDI | - | - | - | 572 Kb | 16. | H48SV3R330NRFA | Delphi Series H48SV, 150W Half Brick Family DC/DC Power Modules: 48V in, 3.3V/10A out | Delta Electronics, Inc. | DELTA | - | - | - | 544 Kb | 17. | Q48SL3R330NRFA | Delphi Series Q48SL, 100W Quarter Brick Family DC/DC Power Modules: 48V in, 1.5V/35A out | Delta Electronics, Inc. | DELTA | - | - | - | 539 Kb | 18. | CCR75CK3R331 | CERAMIC MOLDED AXIAL & RADIAL | Kemet Corporation | KEMET | - | - | - | 166 Kb | 19. | 13R332C | Radial Lead Inductors | Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | MURATA | - | - | - | 95 Kb | 20. | 13R332C | Radial Lead Inductors | Murata Power Solutions Inc. | MURATAPS | - | - | - | 121 Kb |
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