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Most of the data sheets below are in the "pdf" format so it would be adviseable to use Adobe Acrobat Reader.
# | Part: | Description: | Manuf. | Package | Pins | T°min | T°max | PDF size |
1. | A17A | Process Sealed Subminiature Toggles | Nihon Kaiheiki Industry Co. Ltd. | NKK | - | - | - | 247 Kb |
2. | 117A | RENESAS MCU | Renesas Technology Corp | RENESAS | - | - | - | 930 Kb |
3. | 817A | PNP MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTOR | STMicroelectronics | STMICROELECTRONICS | - | - | - | 54 Kb |
4. | 1D17A | Class D Inductor | ice Components, Ins. | ICE | - | - | - | 112 Kb |
5. | 5017A | Delay Line With Fully Integrated Fiber Optics | Emcore Corporation | EMCORE | - | - | - | 1.50 Mb |
6. | 1017A | PIEZOELECTRIC ACCELEROMETER | List of Unclassifed Manufacturers | ETC | - | - | - | 42 Kb |
7. | C517A | 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller | Siemens Semiconductor Group | SIEMENS | - | - | - | 532 Kb |
8. | C517A | 8-bit CMOS MICROCONTROLLER | Infineon Technologies AG | INFINEON | - | - | - | 551 Kb |
9. | C517A | 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller | Siemens Semiconductor Group | SIEMENS | - | - | - | 1.16 Mb |
10. | C517A | 8 BIT CMOS MICROCONTROLLER | Siemens Semiconductor Group | SIEMENS | - | - | - | 551 Kb |
11. | 5117A | XLR (M) 3-Pin Rectangular Flanged Panel Mount | Pomona Electronics | POMONA | - | - | - | 117 Kb |
12. | 5517A | Replacement Test Lead For Simpson Reverse Lead Set DMMs | Pomona Electronics | POMONA | - | - | - | 21 Kb |
13. | BG17A | 5-4000 MHz Cascadeable InGaP HBT Gain Block | BeRex Corporation | BEREX | - | - | - | 490 Kb |
14. | EP17A | EP Core | YUXIANG Magnetc materials Ind. Co., Ltd. | YUXIANG | - | - | - | 46 Kb |
15. | L517A | MR11 Halogen Lamps with Dichroic Reflectors | Gilway Technical Lamp | GILWAY | - | - | - | 110 Kb |
16. | LC17A | 1500 WATT LOW CAPACITANCE TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSOR | Microsemi Corporation | MICROSEMI | - | - | - | 208 Kb |
17. | N817A | PNP MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTOR | STMicroelectronics | STMICROELECTRONICS | - | - | - | 54 Kb |
18. | SA17A | 500W TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORS | Won-Top Electronics | WTE | - | - | - | 68 Kb |
19. | SA17A | 500 WATT PEAK POWER TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORS | Bytes | BYTES | - | - | - | 302 Kb |