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Most of the data sheets below are in the "pdf" format so it would be adviseable to use Adobe Acrobat Reader.
# | Part: | Description: | Manuf. | Package | Pins | T°min | T°max | PDF size |
1. | AS1534 | 12-bit, 8-Channel, Low-Power, 200ksps A/D Converter | austriamicrosystems AG | AMSCO | - | - | - | 338 Kb |
2. | AP1534 | PWM CONTROL 2A STEP-DOWN CONVERTER | Diodes Incorporated | DIODES | - | - | - | 169 Kb |
3. | AP1534 | PWM CONTROL 2A STEP-DOWN CONVERTER | Diodes Incorporated | DIODES | - | - | - | 221 Kb |
4. | LT1534 | Ultralow Noise 2A Switching Regulators | Linear Technology | LINER | - | - | - | 238 Kb |
5. | SC1534 | 400mA SmartLDOTM | Semtech Corporation | SEMTECH | - | - | - | 137 Kb |
6. | 1111534 | tyco electronics contents | Tyco Electronics | TYCO | - | - | - | 5.39 Mb |
7. | 2SA1534 | Silicon PNP epitaxial planer type | Panasonic Semiconductor | PANASONIC | - | - | - | 39 Kb |
8. | 2SK1534 | HVX Series Power MOSFET | Shindengen Electric Mfg.Co.Ltd | SHINDENGEN | - | - | - | 144 Kb |
9. | MAX1534 | High-Efficiency, Triple-Output, Keep-Alive Power Supply for Notebook Computers | Maxim Integrated Products | MAXIM | - | - | - | 408 Kb |
10. | NTE1534 | Integrated Circuit CMOS, Phase Lock Loop (PLL) Frequency Synthesizer for AM/FM Radio | NTE Electronics | NTE | - | - | - | 21 Kb |
11. | ISL1534 | Dual Channel Fixed Gain Differential DSL Line Driver | Intersil Corporation | INTERSIL | - | - | - | 28 Kb |
12. | ISL1534 | Dual Port VDSL2 Line Driver | Intersil Corporation | INTERSIL | - | - | - | 72 Kb |
13. | TK71534 | LOW DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATOR | TOKO, Inc | TOKO | - | - | - | 89 Kb |
14. | PSC1534 | Lithium-Ion Linear Battery Charger | Agere Systems | AGERE | - | - | - | 1.29 Mb |
15. | SED1534 | DOT MATRIX LCD CONTROLLER DRIVER | Epson Company | EPSON | - | - | - | 135 Kb |
16. | TSC1534 | Input voltage range:36-75V output voltage 24V (23A) DC/DC converter | TRACO Electronic AG | TRACOPOWER | - | - | - | 344 Kb |
17. | 05801534 | tyco electronics contents | Tyco Electronics | TYCO | - | - | - | 5.39 Mb |
18. | 05811534 | tyco electronics contents | Tyco Electronics | TYCO | - | - | - | 5.39 Mb |
19. | 06151534 | tyco electronics contents | Tyco Electronics | TYCO | - | - | - | 5.39 Mb |
20. | 06161534 | tyco electronics contents | Tyco Electronics | TYCO | - | - | - | 5.39 Mb |