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Most of the data sheets below are in the "pdf" format so it would be adviseable to use Adobe Acrobat Reader.
# | Part: | Description: | Manuf. | Package | Pins | T°min | T°max | PDF size |
1. | E181 | Engineering Catalog 169 | Gilway Technical Lamp | GILWAY | - | - | - | 486 Kb |
2. | E181 | Engineering Catalog 169 | Gilway Technical Lamp | GILWAY | - | - | - | 486 Kb |
3. | KSE181 | Low Power Audio Amplifier Low Current High Speed Switching Applications | Fairchild Semiconductor | FAIRCHILD | - | - | - | 51 Kb |
4. | MJE181 | POWER TRANSISTORS(3.0A,40-80V,12.5W) | Mospec Semiconductor | MOSPEC | - | - | - | 229 Kb |
5. | MJE181 | Low Power Audio Amplifier Low Current High Speed Switching Applications | Fairchild Semiconductor | FAIRCHILD | - | - | - | 50 Kb |
6. | MJE181 | Complementary Plastic Silicon Power Transistors 40 − 60 − 80 VOLTS 12.5 WATTS | ON Semiconductor | ONSEMI | - | - | - | 83 Kb |
7. | MJE181 | Silicon NPN Power Transistors | Savantic, Inc. | SAVANTIC | - | - | - | 103 Kb |
8. | MJE181 | isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor | Inchange Semiconductor Company Limited | ISC | - | - | - | 78 Kb |
9. | NTE181 | Silicon Power Transistor High Power Audio Amplifier | NTE Electronics | NTE | - | - | - | 24 Kb |
10. | MJE181 | 3 AMPERE POWER TRANSISTORS COMPLEMENTARY SILICON 60-80 VOLTS 12.5 WATTS | Motorola, Inc | MOTOROLA | - | - | - | 177 Kb |
11. | MJE181 | POWER TRANSISTORS COMPLEMENTARY SILICON | ON Semiconductor | ONSEMI | - | - | - | 177 Kb |
12. | CSNE181 | Solid State Sensors Closed Loop Current Sensors | Honeywell Solid State Electronics Center | HONEYWELL | - | - | - | 711 Kb |
13. | EEUFB1E181 | Radial Lead Type | Panasonic Semiconductor | PANASONIC | - | - | - | 67 Kb |
14. | EEUFC1E181 | Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors/FC | Panasonic Semiconductor | PANASONIC | - | - | - | 121 Kb |
15. | KL32TTE181 | Chip Inductors | KOA Speer Electronics, Inc. | KOA | - | - | - | 132 Kb |
16. | NTE1810 | Integrated Circuit Color TV Video System | NTE Electronics | NTE | - | - | - | 28 Kb |
17. | LLE18100X | NPN silicon planar epitaxial microwave power transistor | NXP Semiconductors | PHILIPS | - | - | - | 63 Kb |
18. | ALE1810T2 | Internally Matched LNA Module | Advanced Semiconductor Business Inc. | ASB | - | - | - | 463 Kb |
19. | NTE1812 | Integrated Circuit Capstan Interface Circuit for VCR | NTE Electronics | NTE | - | - | - | 24 Kb |
20. | GE1812-P1J | 12~18WAC-DC Single Output Interchangeable Wall-mounted type | Mean Well Enterprises Co., Ltd. | MEANWELL | - | - | - | 190 Kb |
21. | DSE1812C101JN | SURFACE MOUNT CERAMIC SURFACE MOUNT MULTI - LAYER DS | Dubilier | DUBILIER | - | - | - | 422 Kb |