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Most of the data sheets below are in the "pdf" format so it would be adviseable to use Adobe Acrobat Reader.
# | Part: | Description: | Manuf. | Package | Pins | T°min | T°max | PDF size |
1. | L2204 | 4-pin plastic package, infrared LED | Hamamatsu Corporation | HAMAMATSU | - | - | - | 130 Kb |
2. | CL220 | Simple, 220V, 20mA, Temperature-Compensated, Constant Current, LED Driver IC | Supertex, Inc | SUTEX | - | - | - | 1.08 Mb |
3. | TSL220 | LIGHT-TO-FREQUENCY CONVERTER | Texas Instruments | TI | - | - | - | 166 Kb |
4. | HAL220 | Low-Cost Hall-Effect Sensor Family | Micronas | MICRONAS | - | - | - | 468 Kb |
5. | Z7L220 | Power products international ltd | List of Unclassifed Manufacturers | ETC | - | - | - | 449 Kb |
6. | Z15L220 | Power products international ltd | List of Unclassifed Manufacturers | ETC | - | - | - | 449 Kb |
7. | Z21L220 | Power products international ltd | List of Unclassifed Manufacturers | ETC | - | - | - | 449 Kb |
8. | Z10L220 | Power products international ltd | List of Unclassifed Manufacturers | ETC | - | - | - | 449 Kb |
9. | XR19L220 | SINGLE CHANNEL INTEGRATED UART AND RS-232 TRANSCEIVER | Exar Corporation | EXAR | - | - | - | 316 Kb |
10. | XR19L220 | SINGLE CHANNEL INTEGRATED UART AND RS-232 TRANSCEIVER | Exar Corporation | EXAR | - | - | - | 316 Kb |
11. | ISL43L220 | Ultra Low ON-Resistance, Low Voltage,Single Supply, Dual SPDT Analog Switch | Intersil Corporation | INTERSIL | - | - | - | 342 Kb |
12. | ISL43L220 | Providing high-performance solutions for every link in the signal chain | Intersil Corporation | INTERSIL | - | - | - | 8.74 Mb |
13. | XRS10L220 | SERIAL ATA II: PORT MULTIPLIER / PORT SELECTOR | Exar Corporation | EXAR | - | - | - | 373 Kb |
14. | DSP56321VL220 | 24-Bit Digital Signal Processor | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc | FREESCALE | - | - | - | 940 Kb |
15. | PL220-011 | Military, Space and Testing Equipment | Emerson Network Power | EMERSONWP | - | - | - | 5.96 Mb |
16. | TXL220-12S | Enclosed Power Supplies | TRACO Electronic AG | TRACOPOWER | - | - | - | 578 Kb |
17. | TXL220-24S | Enclosed Power Supplies | TRACO Electronic AG | TRACOPOWER | - | - | - | 578 Kb |
18. | SL220-4605 | Single output 115/230 VAC input Floating output | Artesyn Technologies | ARTESYN | - | - | - | 48 Kb |
19. | SL220-4624 | Single output 115/230 VAC input Floating output | Artesyn Technologies | ARTESYN | - | - | - | 48 Kb |
20. | TXL220-48S | Enclosed Power Supplies | TRACO Electronic AG | TRACOPOWER | - | - | - | 578 Kb |
21. | ZTL220-Y | 1 WATT ZENER DIODE | Frontier Electronics. | FRONTIER | - | - | - | 113 Kb |