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Most of the data sheets below are in the "pdf" format so it would be adviseable to use Adobe Acrobat Reader.
# | Part: | Description: | Manuf. | Package | Pins | T°min | T°max | PDF size |
1. | 4AK21 | Silicon N-Channel Power MOS FET Array | Hitachi Semiconductor | HITACHI | - | - | - | 38 Kb |
2. | 2664AK | HIGH FREQUENCY MAGNETICS T1/E1 Single Through Hole Transformers | Bel Fuse Inc. | BEL | - | - | - | 26 Kb |
3. | SDA4AK | Surface mount bidirectional Clamping Diodes | Diotec Semiconductor | DIOTEC | - | - | - | 166 Kb |
4. | SDA4AK | Bidirectional Clamping Diode Bidirektionale Begrenzer-Diode | Diotec Semiconductor | DIOTEC | - | - | - | 24 Kb |
5. | SDA4AK | Bidirectional clamping diodes | Semikron International | SEMIKRON | - | - | - | 59 Kb |
6. | SDA4AK | Surface mount bidirectional Clamping Diodes | Diotec Semiconductor | DIOTEC | - | - | - | 53 Kb |
7. | SDA4AK | Bidirectional clamping diodes | Semikron International | SEMIKRON | - | - | - | 47 Kb |
8. | DG304AK | CMOS Analog Switches | Maxim Integrated Products | MAXIM | - | - | - | 1.09 Mb |
9. | DG384AK | General Purpose CMOS Analog Switches | Maxim Integrated Products | MAXIM | - | - | - | 304 Kb |
10. | KPY64AK | Silicon Piezoresistive Absolute Pressure Sensor Preliminary Data | Siemens Semiconductor Group | SIEMENS | - | - | - | 53 Kb |
11. | MN674AK | UP-COMPATIBLE 15 usec 12-Bit A/D CONVERTER | List of Unclassifed Manufacturers | ETC | - | - | - | 509 Kb |
12. | SP674AK | 12-bit Sampling A/D Converters | Sipex Corporation | SIPEX | - | - | - | 163 Kb |
13. | HS574AK | 12-bit Sampling A/D Converters | Sipex Corporation | SIPEX | - | - | - | 163 Kb |
14. | DA814AK | Silicon rectifiers arrays | Semikron International | SEMIKRON | - | - | - | 180 Kb |
15. | KPY54AK | Silicon Piezoresistive Absolute Pressure Sensor | Siemens Semiconductor Group | SIEMENS | - | - | - | 149 Kb |
16. | AD574AK | 0-16.5V; 825mW; complete 12-bit A/D converter | Analog Devices | AD | - | - | - | 344 Kb |
17. | 845204AK | CRYSTAL-TO-MLVDS PCI EXPRESS CLOCK SYNTHESIZER W/SPREAD SPECTRUM | Integrated Device Technology | IDT | - | - | - | 1.02 Mb |
18. | ICX054AK | 1/3-inch CCD Image Sensor for NTSC Color Camera | Sony Corporation | SONY | - | - | - | 318 Kb |
19. | ICX074AK | Diagonal 8mm (Type 1/2) Progressive Scan CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for Color Video Cameras | Sony Corporation | SONY | - | - | - | 221 Kb |
20. | ICX224AK | Diagonal 8mm (Type 1/2) Frame Readout CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for Color Cameras | Sony Corporation | SONY | - | - | - | 360 Kb |
21. | ICX254AK | Diagonal 6mm (Type 1/3) CCD Image Sensor for NTSC Color Video Cameras | Sony Corporation | SONY | - | - | - | 178 Kb |