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OVER 1.000.000 DATASHEETS (Technical documentation on electronical components)
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Example: max232

MANUFACTURERS: Sipex Corporation
Sipex Corporation

Sipex Corporation logo

233 South Hillview Drive
CA 95035, US
tel: 1-408-934-7500
fax: 1-408-935-7600

    Sipex Corporation designs, manufactures and markets pproximately 1,000 ICs that grouped into three product families: power management, serial interface, and optical storage.

  • Power management ICs group includes Low Drop Out linear regulators, DC to DC switching regulators, PWM controllers, charge pumps, and microprocessor supervisors.
  • The serial interface product group contains RS-232, RS-485, high speed, differential transceivers, and dual and multi-protocol transceivers.
  • The optical storage product family offers complete electronic solutions that enable faster read speeds and smaller footprints in the pick up heads of DVD-R/W, DVD-RAM, and CDRW systems. This family includes photo-detector ICs, laser diode drivers, and advanced power control ICs.

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