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MANUFACTURERS: Cherry Semiconductor
Cherry Semiconductor

Cherry Semiconductor logo

2000 South County Trail,
East Greenwich,
RI 02818, US
tel: 1-401-885-3600
fax: 1-401-885-5786

    Cherry Semiconductor Corporation supplies high quality, high volume standard, semi-custom and custom linear bipolar and power BiCMOS products to automotive, computer, and industrial markets worldwide.

    Since it was founded in 1972, Cherry Semiconductor has been managed for stable, sustainable growth with an emphasis on reliable, long term performance for its customers. By focusing its activities in a few key markets, Cherry Semiconductor has applied its resources most effectively to develop ever-increasing product design and production expertise. Perhaps the most vivid proof of Cherry Semiconductor's long-term performance is the status it has achieved as a strategic and often sole source supplier to Chrysler, Ford and General Motors.

    From July, 2000, Cherry Semiconductor has become a wholly owned subsidiary of ON Semiconductor

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