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MANUFACTURERS: Lattice Semiconductor Corporation
Lattice Semiconductor Corporation

Lattice Semiconductor Corporation logo

5555 Northeast Moore Ct.,
Oregon 97124, US
tel: 1-503-268-8000
fax: 1-503-268-8556

    Lattice Semiconductor Corporation designs, develops and markets high performance programmable logic devices, or PLDs, and related software.

    Lattice is one of the world's top suppliers of in-system PLDs, which can be configured and reconfigured even after being affixed to a circuit board. It also sells the software needed to customize its chips. Lattice's devices are used in computing, communications, industrial, and military electronics. The company focuses on design and testing, outsourcing its manufacturing to factories in Asia and the US. Overseas customers account for almost 55% of Lattice's sales.

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